Making choices without rules

Making Choices Without Rules

My last blog post described how rules can be rooted in pride.  I thought it would be helpful to define what a rule actually is, and how to know if you have them.

A Google search reveals the definition of a rule as “one of a set of explicit or understood regulations or principles governing conduct within a particular activity or sphere.”  It’s something that we judge ourselves or others by; you either obey it or disobey it.  It’s measurable.

When I make a food rule, I’m judging myself by my level of compliance.  After disobeying a rule, I feel guilty and ashamed.  When I’m obeying the rule, I feel strong and effective. This makes the rule powerful over me and the way I feel about myself.

It’s quite different to have a God-honoring framework or understanding of how to best live life and make good choices.  For example, I know that eating 3 balanced meals (that include a good source of carbohydrate, protein, fat, and fruits/vegetables) supports my desire to have an excellent, productive day.  I know that if I get hungry between meals, I should choose a snack that will also provide nourishment to meet my needs.  My experiences with eating, coupled with my God-given hunger cues instruct me on what types of foods to choose.  This is not a rule, because if something happens to disrupt this typical behavior, I can adjust and not be emotionally upset by it.  It’s exposed as a rule when the feeling of judgment and shame appears afterward.

Praying before eating is great to give thanks, but also to ask for wisdom and discernment regarding what foods to eat and how much to eat. Between meals, if I’m not sure how to eat or if I’m even hungry for a snack, I can ask God for wisdom.  Pausing to include Him in this moment gives me the opportunity to learn whether I am wanting to eat in response to an emotional need, physical need (thirst, pain, etc…), or true hunger for nourishment. Knowing that I can do this gives me peace, and I don’t need rules to keep me “in line” anymore.

If you think you might have food rules, the way to root them out is to disobey them.  Talk to God about the rule and ask for insight into why it’s important to you.  Ask yourself what would happen if you didn’t follow the rule – would the day go on?  Would you still be loved by God?  Would your body composition instantly change?  If you are able to disobey the rule and understand that your identity is still the same in Christ, you have received a new level of freedom. There’s nothing like it!

Yes, eat well.  But, I encourage you to do the work needed to emerge from slavery to food rules.  Everything is possible with God! (see Philippians 4:13)

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