Rules vs choices

Rules vs. Choices

I recorded a webinar with Lasting Freedom this week, with the topic of rules vs. choices, and it’s been on my mind.  I love it when God brings a topic to me and it simmers for a while.  I feel so close to Him!

The thought is this: Rules are often the way our sinful nature tries to stay in charge.

We like rules, because we get to decide what they are.  We are comfortable with them, and we have plans for how we are going to use them to make ourselves better!  They are centered in self, and masquerade as godly.  We feel like we can be better people for God if we just follow our rules.

My mind, unchecked, tends to come up with rules constantly.  I will see something I don’t like about myself and will come up with a solution.  “Every time I’m in this situation, I’ll do this…”  Food rules come to mind often as well: “I will eat a vegetable with every meal or snack, and I’ll be healthier, keep my body in top shape, and be a good example for my children.  I remember one time I made a rule for myself that I wouldn’t eat any “junk food” (out of a desire for weight loss), and when I wanted it, I would pray for someone else, while I wasn’t eating it.  That sounds pretty spiritual, doesn’t it?”  My intentions were good, but they were self-oriented.  I was trying to fix myself apart from God, or even using God to get what I wanted.  It’s rooted in pride.

Will I ever get over myself and stop trying to make rules?  I don’t know.  I hope so!  But, I do know how to spot them and call them for what they are.  I ask God every day to help me pay attention to my thoughts so I can take the ones that are rooted in pride and capture them, toss them out and make them obedient to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. (see 2 Corinthians 10:5) That means I confess my pride, and turn from it by choosing to think thoughts that trust God with my body, my food, and my whole life.

So, if I don’t have rules to help me know what I should do, how do I know what to do, and how to make choices?  I feel lost without my rules.

An amazing thing happens when I truly submit to Jesus.  I’m not worried about what I’m going to do, and I have peace.  The picture of being yoked with Jesus comes to mind – “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-29

Peace and rest!  Not rules.  With Jesus yoked with me, right here with me all the time, through the Holy Spirit, he gives me wisdom in the moment to make choices.  I am free to choose, but I am yoked with Christ.

Freedom is scary without Jesus.  I don’t trust myself to choose well.  But, I trust Him.

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